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The first edition of the Ceramic Market Exhibition took place in Park D. Carlos I, on 17, 18 and 19 June 2022, where more than three dozen Chaldean ceramists were present. Access to the event was free and, in addition to Ceramics, it counted a lot of animation and street food stalls.

Throughout the three days of the event, there was opportunity to enjoy interesting projects of traditional Portuguese music, such as the female collective “Crua”, the Fanadia Pipers, the Sap, where the cavaquinho, the braguesa viola and the bagpipes are a brand, Guitolão Trio, based on an instrument designed by Carlos Paredes that joins guitar and guitar in one, called precisely Guitolão.

In the program of the event, in addition to music, there was also a place for Popular Marches, street theater and a collective exhibition of Ceramics, with works by the ceramists present, whose inauguration took place at 16h on June 17, at the Ceramics Museum, where it was visited until 28 August.

After the Ceramic Market Exhibition, a series of activities took place until the end of July, aiming to allow the general public to discover more of Caldense Ceramics in the Museums, shops, workshops and factories, in conjunction with the city and its tourist routes. To this end, a map “On the Discovery of Ceramics” was made available, containing detailed information about the planned events.


“The Discovery of Ceramics Map” was the proposal of a set of initiatives that took place throughout the month of July, and took place in the spaces where this art is thought and lived daily, making known its protagonists: the ceramists and their ateliers.

Open days in workshops, workshops and guided tours through artistic routes and heritage invited a real sharing of experiences and knowledge, in a city where Ceramics is an identity and strategic element, consecrated by UNESCO with the distinction of Creative City of Crafts and Popular Arts.