Event that marked the award of the title of Creative City of UNESCO to Caldas da Rainha
On 31 October 2019, the news was made public that Caldas da Rainha was designated a Member of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network in the area of Crafts and Folk Art. It was the culmination of a long and complex process that began with the creation of MOLDA and that did justice to Caldas da Rainha and its people, as an unavoidable city in the field of ceramics.
By invitation of Mr. Mayor of Caldas da Rainha, on 28 November 2019, an event was held that sought to take stock of what was MOLDA and the candidacy of Caldas da Rainha to UNESCO Creative City. Not only Mr. Mayor, but also Prof. Luísa Arroz (ESAD.CR) and Prof. João Bonifácio Serra spoke. It was followed by a Port of Honour, and the session was closed with a remarkable performance by the Lisbon Metropolitan Orchestra.
In this program, sonatas of maximum representatives of the apogee of the musical baroque were joined and that illustrate well this universe: Johann Sebastian Bach, Georg Friedrich Handel and Georg Phillipp Telemann. They were called Sonatas in Trio, for being written for three parts – in this case, two parts of violins and the traditional continuous bass, formed by the bassoon and the harpsichord.