The 1st National Congress and Exhibition of Portuguese Ceramic Towns and Villages took place on 19 and 20 January 2024 at the Aveiro Congress Centre, where more than two dozen AptCVC members presented themselves in a “Who’s Who” section at the opening session of the Congress. The Association’s member municipalities presented their history in the […]
Ceramic Ecopoint
The new Caldas da Rainha Ceramic Ecopoint is already in operation, a project for collection and subsequent treatment of waste generated in the workshops and potteries of the creators in the area of ceramics, within the scope of Caldas da Rainha Unesco. This project seeks to address the concern expressed in the consultation made to […]
Artistic Residencies
The Caldas da Rainha Municipality (CRM), Caldas da Rainha Arts and Design School, from Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (ESAD.CR) and the Chair in Arts and Culture Management of the same Institute propose to organize two international residences in the ceramic area, having already adopted a Regulation to that effect. These artistic residencies will be held annually […]
YOUTH-ACTION-CULTURE: Towards Cultural Democracy
The international conference YOUTH-ACTION-CULTURE: Towards Cultural Democracy took place on 13 and 14 November in Caldas da Rainha. The conference provided the meeting of ideas, innovation and inspiration, with the intervention of artists, European policy makers, agents of cultural and educational organizations, European students, among others, as a platform to listen and empower young people, […]
The 16th edition of ART & TUR – International Tourism Film Festival took place between 24 and 27 of October in Caldas da Rainha. During four days of the Festival, Caldas da Rainha Cultural Center and Congress exhibited 82 films, integrated in 10 thematic sessions. The thematic sessions were interspersed by 7 round tables in […]
Iberian Meeting of UNESCO Creative Cities – Valladolid
The city of Valladolid hosted on 23 and 24 October the I Iberian Meeting of Creative Cities of UNESCO, which was attended by representatives of the approximately 20 municipalities of Portugal and Spain that are currently part of the Network. Caldas da Rainha was represented by the Councilwoman of Culture, Conceição Henriques and the Head […]
Conservation and Restoration
Conservation and Restoration The Caldas da Rainha Arts Centre houses the Victor Santos Folk Art Collection, which includes a huge range of different themes, including pottery, clay, pastoral art, tinwork, basketry, metals, traditional boats, masks and also a small section with diversities in the field of folk art, ranging from rag dolls and toys covered […]
Western Geopark application to UNESCO – Interview with Estado com Arte Magazine
The Executive Director of Geoparque Oeste, Miguel Reis Silva, said in an interview with Estado com Arte Magazine that he was taking part in the UNESCO World Geoparks Conference in Marrakech when the earthquake struck on 8 September in Morocco. The West’s greatest geological potential lies in the unique geological formations from the Jurassic and […]
IAC – International Academy of Ceramics
The 2024 edition of the Congress of the International Academy of Ceramics (AIC) will be held in Caldas da Rainha and Alcobaça, announced today the Portuguese Association of Ceramic Cities and Villages (AptCVC). The congress, initially scheduled to be held in South Korea, “now has a new host: Portugal”, announced AptCVC, adding that the event […]
The second edition of the Mostra Mercado da Cerâmica took place in Parque D. Carlos I on June 16, 17 and 18, 2023, beginning with the inauguration of the Collective Exhibition of the ceramists taking part in the Mostra Mercado, at Casa dos Barcos, at 5pm. This was followed by the opening of the Mostra […]