Maria Sardinha

Maria da Conceição Sardinha Santos

Maria Sardinha was born on 13/03/1981 in Torres Vedras. Her academic career includes a degree in International Relations that ends in 2003 at ISCT, in Lisbon. Personal factors bring her to Caldas da Rainha in 2006, where we can find her working in a law firm until the year 2011, when she becomes unemployed, so she decides to explore the adult training area at CENCAL. Having found what she was looking for, she attends the following vocational courses: Tile Painting, Ceramic Decoration, Plaster Molding, Ceramic Production Techniques, Laboratory Production Techniques, Pottery and finally, not because it is the least relevant, Bordalo Pinheiro, pieces inspired by his production. In 2018 she begins to work on her own, initially in partnership and then alone. Later she does an internship with Sónia Borga and later works with Adélia Martins, the Master of Verguinha. The artist makes pieces of character at the same time decorative and functional, such as swallows, dishes and jars; at the same time, she is inspired by stones from the beach to create pieces that have inscriptions dedicated to nature. Maria Sardinha wants to refine her work in the verguinha, especially since this art runs the risk of disappearing for lack of those who are interested in it. This is how, with the goal that she is reborn from her hands, working with embossed backgrounds, integrates into the pieces small attractive details and uses in its decoration warm colors, facing the usual cold colors. The artist sells her pieces in the studio.