Sandrina was born on 13/07/1972 in Paris, and the following year comes to Portugal. She signs his pieces with the name “Meerkat”, that curious and friendly animal inhabiting the Kalahari desert. Sandrina is one of those artisans who works with cold ceramics, also known by the name of “Biscuit”. The particularity of this dough is that it does not go to the oven, in everything else it is worked as if it were ceramic. For about 20 years Sandrina attends the “Pottery Course” at CENCAL, where she had as a master the Acorn in whose studio she interned for a long time. From a certain point on, she decided to set up a studio and start his own production. Using the dough “Biscuit”, making molds in silicone and plastic; it essentially makes small pieces, such as pins, and that’s how she has portrayed Bordalo Pinheiro, Queen D. Leonor, Zé Povinho and Maria da Paciência. She creates key rings, bases for candles, angels, cats, sea animals, nativity scenes kept in sardine cans: she makes pieces of jewelry and the Popular Saints are also parts that are part of her production. It applies in its pieces natural motifs, such as pine cones, small trunks of trees and gourds. She uses acrylic paints that give the pieces a contagious color and joy. Sandrina / Suricata sells its pieces at fairs and exhibitions and online.