Nuno Costa

Nuno Alfredo Romão da Costa

Nuno Alfredo Romão da Costa, born on 29/09/1970 in Caldas da Rainha. Since childhood the world of clay and Chaldean ceramics are not strange to him, since his father for many years is a well-known merchant of Chaldean ceramics. Nuno Costa is self-taught. He never went to any school to learn how to create and model; he was born with the creativity of taking the inert material and with his way of hands and a keen sense of criticism, the pieces are born. He is perhaps the only ceramist in Caldas who dedicates himself solely to the famous local icon: the phallus. Ask this umbilically linked to the history of the city, was having various appearances over the years: more aggressive, more embarrassing, more naughty or wilted, even today is reason for creativity, and the example of this fact is the work of Nuno Costa. It uses cold clay, resin, epoxy, and then completes its pieces with various materials, such as felt or wood. Nuno Costa builds his phallus, the small ones, usually based on a ceramic pedestal. Almost always of serious air and in a straight position, aware of its importance, they play the role of military, Arlequim, prisoner, mechanic, tourist, clown, gardener, circus artist, king, musician, top hats, and all the more that the artist wants. Along with this vast phallic family, Nuno Costa also makes other pieces, larger, in which each piece can be decomposed in many others, obeying all of them to the greatest inspiration: the phallus.