Antónia Labaredas was born on 9/12/1979 in Évora. In 1997 she moved to Caldas da Rainha, to study at ESAD; she graduated in Industrial Design. In 1999 she did her first cinematography project for the client Almargem do Bispo. While working on her cinegraphy projects, she met some artists working at “Origami” (a workshop that brings together artists dedicated to various areas of creativity), and as a result of this contact she felt her interest in modeling and sculpture awaken. This encounter took place in 2014. She began working with stoneware and clay from the beach. Her work follows a naturalistic line, as shells, oysters and marine life are born from her hands, because it is the natural world that seduces her. Antónia Labaredas is the granddaughter of a ceramic artisan who used to make common tableware, and perhaps she inherited from him her taste for geometric-shaped pieces, which we can see on her workbench. Among such varied pieces, a bust of a dog stands out, its gentle gaze fixed on some point in infinity. Antónia’s companion for many years, today it is a souvenir. This artist’s pieces are sold in her studio, online and in galleries.